Hello Everyone,
Well the big update that you have all been waiting for...HA! Ava is as big on personality as ever. She has now begun to grunt for what she wants, gets excited when she sees the "baby cereal" box as well as the sling, and loves to go for car rides and see the world. She has also begun to teethe. We have made several trips to the stores, and one sit in at a restaurant with her possible future husband and mother in law (that is Kelly and Jordan Mazak) :) She has doen amazingly well. I feel very blessed that she is so active...and that she is not such a "homer"...The sleeping udpate is not as promising as she has continued her battle with sleep at night. She has in the past couple of weeks regressed to crying for extended periods of time before she falls asleep, as well as gotten so angry she has thrown up approximately four times in her crib. Last night was the first night in a long time that she fell asleep without any tears and throw up...I couldn't have been any happier...as I have been taking it kind of hard. We are hoping that this is just a phase and minor setback as it has seemed like such an incredible effort to get her to rest...Please continue to pray with us that she learns to sleep, and enjoys it. People keep telling us that babies that do not like to sleep are geniuses...(I keep telling myself that just to stay positive! HA!)
I do try to keep it all in perspective though...we have much to be thankful for...especially for a Savior that conquered so much more...as it says in the word...even death on a cross. We will be celebrating Easter in Columbus...it is one of my favorite holidays as it draws us to a place where we realize the depth and magnitude of a LOVE so big and so real that it went through everything to make a way to be in relationship with us...He suffered betrayal, loneliess, being beaten, scorned, and finally death...on a cross that speaks of forgiveness. I can think of nothing greater to be thankful for...I will post some shots of our sweetie in her Easter gear....get ready folks this may be your new screen saver....:)
Cyndia or Corey and Ava