Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rylee learning to crawl...She is now super just one week!

We'll try to catch more footage soon.

Latest Pics

Rylee and Ava's Barbie...she will foam at the mouth if
you try to take it away from her! Too funny!
Ava and her sweet shirt from Alaska. It changes color in the sun!
(She is a little dishelveled from her nap!)

Ava wants to get pictures taken all the time-
unfortunately Mommy has her hands full!

Such a cutie pie! She now has 4 teeth!

Cute dress from Abuela worn for church :)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Garris Girls' Update

Drum Roll Please.....................The first installment from "daddy". It's been a long time in coming, but here we go. Cyndia has her hands full with the girls, so i thought the least i could do was write a few lines since we haven't given any updates in quite some time (sorry!).

In April we had the chance to visit my parents and sister, but not in Lincoln, rather Peoria, IL. We decided to meet up at about the half way point so no one had a crazy-long drive. We hung out for 4+ days and had a great time. Rylee was just starting to show a lot of her personality at that point, and she loved spending time playing on the floor and also petting Ozzie (meggan's dog). Ava fell in love with the swimming pool! We were so happy to see her enjoy, as the previous summer she was not so sure about how she felt about being in the water. Grandpa even convinced her to go under water - wow!

Rylee has started "army crawling". She has not yet mastered getting up on all fours, but that hasn't stopped her from pulling herself across any room when she is motivated enough. She has 4 teeth now, as her top two teeth have come in over the last 3 weeks. She is starting to make it through the night now. Sometimes she is still up around 5:30, but more often than not recently she is waking up after 6am, which the doctor says is officially "morning" for a baby (even though daddy would like to disagree!). Rylee has a new favorite toy that she holds on to with all her might - ava's barbie doll. Ava has graciously allowed Rylee to hold it all day long :) Rylee keeps a death-grip on her hair, no matter if she is eating, being carried around, or playing with other toys on the floor. It's pretty funny.

Ava is growing so fast! She is now 37 inches and 32 pounds. She is officially potty-trained! We are so proud of her! We still put a diaper on her when she sleeps, but even then she is doing really well most nights. She is so strong-willed, and it was quite a battle between her and her mom for a few weeks - but finally mommy won and convinced her living without dora tv, playing outside, or going to the zoo was not worth pooping in her pants! She is such a big girl now, it makes me a bit sad. She is also a sponge. We have to watch everything we say around her because not only does she learn the new word right away, she understands how to use it in perfect context. So we have heard things like "they need to turn those freaking sirens off daddy" (tornado sirens), "that sucks" or "that's not cool daddy", and finally, my favorite while we were in traffic, "Go Suckers!". Yes, we are very proud parents :) She is a joy and we love the stage she is in right now.

Cyndia and I will be heading to Marco Island, FL for me to perform a wedding in two weeks. I am pretty excited to get away for a few days, and i think she is too - except for the worries about the girls. Her parents are coming and I think will have a wonderful time.

Enjoy the photos and videos from the past couple of months!