Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter 2013

Arriving bright and early at 8:15 a.m.- the girls were tired, but such troopers as we embarked on doing 2 Easter services at Vineyard Columbus Sawmill Campus for the first time.  They went to Sunday School for the first service and bravely sat through main service for an additional 90 minutes.  They were amazing.  Of course it helped that Rylee woke up at 5:50 a.m. and was so exhausted she took a nap during Sunday school, and on top of Corey during the 2nd service, and also a 2 hour nap when we got home!  WOW!  We had about 660 people show up, and everything from the worship, to the preaching, to the girls went awesome.  Easter 2013 would be a year that we would remember!

It was tough to get a good shot of all of us; but here it is!  Rylee mustering a weak smile, and Ava hamming it up!  Love it!

So sweet to have a sister that you love so much!

My beautiful girls.
Easter Egg Hunt Video.  This is our 4th annual Easter Egg Hunt!  In conjunction with Olde Sawmill Neighborhood association, we had close to 500 attend this year- along with 7,000 eggs!  Pretty amazing to think of how big it has gotten.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Disney on Ice

Best reaction ever from must listen closely!
So this year-(with some Mom persuassion powers I might add)- we were offered 4 free tickets to Disney on Ice.  Our friends the Barbers didn't need them, because they had already purchased theirs.  Luck for us, they thought of us first!  To prepare, I took the girls to the Disney store to purchase a couple of Rapunzel dolls and some as to not let their little eyes be tempted by all the merchandise that they would see and want when we arrived at the show.  At first the show started off a bit slow for the girls, since they were anxiously awaiting the arrival of their favorite Disney Princess, Rapunzel...but the Lion King was phenomenal, and the skating was fabulous.  Then I could see Daddy start to get a bit nervous as no sign of Rapunzel anywhere in the building was confirmed.  BUT Praise God she came and all was right with the world.  Rylee sung "I see the Light" at the top of her lungs.  (Tone deaf and all I might add).  The gentleman sitting next to us, got a bit emotional, and whispered, "That is so awesome!"...I of course agreed...Disney on Ice would be a night that we would all remember. 

Sisterly love watching the amazing skaters.

Tinkerbell doing her thing.

Seriously?!  Could that face be any cuter?
The parade of couldn't get any better!

Snow Bunnies Ready for the Snow

They have been aching to get out in the snow and use the fort makers that Grandpa had given them 2 years ago!  Finally in December of 2012 they were able to.  What a treat it was.  We atcually inspired friends to build their own forts, along with a snowman that had a carrot for a nose, grapes for eyes, and stick arms.  What a fun day!

Snow Bunnies

This was the very first time in 2 years that we have had enough snow to build a fort!  We got so much snow that Abuela had to stay some additional days!  (not so cool for Abuela, but wayyyyyy cool for us!)

Rylee barely fit in the 2T snow suit, but we made it work!  I seriously could squeeze those cute cheeks all day!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Christmas Day & Christmas Eve 2012

Exploring her new "Date Night Barbie"- the box says, and I quote, "He sure can COOK!"  LOL!  I bought it because it had all kinds of accesories, that Daddy sucked up with the vaccuum cleaner on the very first day! (aka a Barbie fork was gone forever!)

It was the year of "all things Barbie"!
Abuela, Mommy & her girls on Christmas Eve night...we color coordinated without even knowing it!

Abuelo, Abuela & the girls.

So excited to get her "Baby Alive"- she was thrilled to get a baby carriage along with it.  She couldn't wait to play with it, feed it, sleep with it...So fun!

Against everybody else's better judgement, I let you play with your new Barbie pool...of course there was water all over the floor!  But you ladies had a blast!

Ava's "IPad"

My two beauty queens :)

Our pretty Christmas tree.  Every year Abuela purchases a new "Nativity" ornament...the tree keeps getting prettier and prettier.

I love how Rylee is smiling at her Big Sister here...they love each other so much!

It is so delightful to watch your kids open gifts- I honestly think that it is far more fun for me to watch them!  Love the excitement!