Thursday, December 20, 2007

New "Firsts"...

Hello Everyone,

Well, I tried to prevent it, but it was inevitable...Ava caught her first head cold. She has been handling it pretty well, although her mother has a tough time with it. She started to sound a little congested on Monday...sneezing and a slight cough. NO FEVER- PRAISE GOD! I was so torn up about it, I cried. (What's new? :)) She is almost completely done with the cold already, and has been sleeping as she normally does. I could have kicked myself for allowing tons of people to hold her, but they say that this can be a good thing since it is building up immunities. SO, I am trying to look on the bright side. We head off to Lorain, OH for a couple of days to see Titi Lisa (Aunt for those that do not know Spanish), Uncle Chad, Primo Gabe, and Abuela & Abuelo Colon. After that we are headed off to St.Louis where we will get a chance to see our dear friends Jen & Steve and their daughter Amelia on Christmas Day, before heading off to our final destination...Lincoln, NE to see the rest of our family. So- Ava will be quite the traveler...Pray that it all goes well. She really doesn't like going anywhere right now. We are hoping that this changes one day. I have also posted some more pics for your viewing pleasure, one of them by demand to see more of Corey :)(this is for your Hunter :))...He certainly is an incredibly gorgeous father...and a good one! I started to feel a little under the weather yesterday, and so he stayed home ot take care of us..while running an errand to Babies R Us, mopping the floor, and visiting the pediatrician. WHAT A MAN! I have a good one! Enjoy!


Friday, December 14, 2007

Our Little Christmas Princess...

Hello Everyone,

Here is Ava in one of her Christmas outifts. She is too cute for words (in my un-biased opinion)! She made it through 2 Christmas parties in one day...She was such a trooper.


Friday, December 7, 2007

Snug as a Bug...

Hello Everyone,

Here is one of the latest pictures of Ava...It is getting colder and colder here in Ohio, and we certainly don't want Ava to catch a cold! :)- Here she is packed up and ready to go to her first women's Bible study...She was such a trooper. Hope you enjoy...


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pretty in Purple...

Hey Everyone,

I thought that these latest photos might brighten your days...she is certainly pretty in purple :)

Love and Hugs,

Monday, December 3, 2007

Latest on our Bundle of Joy...

Hello Everyone,

Well Ava turned 2 months today...Corey and I were reflecting on how quickly these past two months have gone. Ava has made some incredible strides recently. She is now napping 2 2-hour naps a day, and is less fussy at night. (As a matter of fact she only cries a little when she is hungry or poopy :)) She smiles some incredible smiles on cue...(they just melt your heart)...coos a ton, and is getting bigger by the day. We just got back from the pediatrician and Ava is now 9 pounds 6 ounces...23 inches long (still in the 75% for height, but 25% for weight)...She is long and lean- like we like to say around here. I, like any good mother, have been worrying a ton about her weight, but the doctor said..."Ava is growing beautifully..." Some incredibly reassuring words from the professional :)...She is so beautiful...She also got all of her immunizations today...ABSOLUTELY broke my heart. I was in tears as soon as the needle hit her little thigh. The nurse was a pro, and probably got all of the 4 shots done within 5 seconds flat...Through my tears, I thanked her for being so quick. She was so kind. The days seem to get easier, and she is still sleeping fairly well- although every night is different. Sometimes she will sleep for 4 hours, sometimes 5 or 6 straight...The doctor wants us to try to get into a routine with her sleeping sometime in January...I am ready for her to be in one now, but he suggested to try it after we come home from the holidays. I have attached a couple of recent shots...for your viewing pleasure...I will update more with new shots as soon as I get the chance...(Please pray that she doesn't have any reactions to the vaccines...)

Love you all,
Cyndia for Corey and Ava

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Movie of our Princess

Hello Everyone, Here are some recent shots of our Thanksgiving...Hope you enjoy. I have also attempted to upload a video of our little angel. She is TOO Cute! We had a great time with Abuelo & Abuela Colon in Lorain. Although it was quite the trip trying to make it there. Crying screaming baby, nauseous Mom, hour extra holiday drive, slick rainy conditions, hungry baby, poopy get the picture....bad bad drive! You would think that Ava would be a sleeper, since her parents LOVE to sleep- BUT she loves to be awake- which made for a very interesting trip when she refused to sleep till she got to Lorain. (okay she slept maybe a half hour on the trip- but for the most part was beside herself. Most of you who know me- know that I can get easily car sick, and with all of the stop and go traffic, that made it pretty hard to help Ava. We probably broke about 10 traffic laws. I breasfed Ava in a running car, Corey and I did a Chinese fire drill to see if that would help my nausea, and we also thought about me stopping on the side of the road to throw up.(We opted to let me relieve myself in a Subway near my parents house ;)) Praise God I didn't throw up on Ava! I can already hear all the parents laughing at my post, even though it was pretty traumatic for us! I guess we should count our blessing that we got there all in one piece. I really am praying for our next trip- to be a lot better...PRAYING REALLY HARD ;)...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Loving Aunts...

Big Feet...and Loving Arms

Some Stretching...and More

By Request...New Pictures

Hello Everyone,

So I thought I would send another update...Ava has been doing a ton better throughout the day- in terms of fussiness. HOWEVER- when 6 hits she is like a different little girl- VERY FUSSY...bottom lip quivering and all. (It breaks my heart!- She has even shed some crocodile tears!) She is an amazing sleeper though- and so I guess we should count our blessings. Although I feel bad for Daddy- who only gets to see the bad side of Ava. The only thing that really calms her down is being near me and the source of nutrition (if you know what I mean :)) I often fantasize about the day when she gets bigger- and can tell us what is wrong, but then I think about how sweet it is to see her wake up and stretch- or even see her goofy faces, or feel the nearness of her heart near mine, and I think I can still wait...She is starting to smile, and Aunt Meggan and I could have sworn she tried to say "hi!" to us already. (We think she is going to be brilliant!) She is losing some of her baby hair already- and has an old man hair line...still cute as ever. Anywho- Here are some more pics by popular demand...

Love you all,
Cyndia for Corey and Ava

Monday, November 5, 2007

Clocking in at 8 pounds 4 ounces and counting...

Hello Friends,

We just went to the pediatrician, and found out that our little bundle of joy is now 8 pounds 4 ounces! She has gained 12 ounces in less than 2 weeks! The doctor was really encouraged, and said she looks great! Mom is so excited, and so is Dad. We just recently had some more paparazzi in town- namely Aunt Meggs. She was a joy to have here, and Ava is going to miss her a ton. (Truth be told, I think I will miss her more- she spoiled me so!- Massages, water filling, laundry...she was amazing!) We go in for our next appointment on December 3rd. We don't have to go in for any more weight checks! Now we just have to figure out this pumping thing- so that we can have other people look after Ava when I am not around! She is also getting way less fussy daily, and was such a good girl going to the doctor's office. She only cried a little when we had to take her clothes off (I mean who wouldn't cry if you took off their clothes! :)) We have several trips planned for the next two months- Thanksgiving we will be headed to Lorain, and during Christmas time we will be headed to Nebraska. I am curious to see how the car rides will go- she actually loves to ride in cars! :) Well I think that is it for now- expect updates soon- with more pictures taken my aunt Meggs...But for now- this will have to do.

LOVE you all,
Cyndia for Corey and Ava

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Latest News...

Hello Everyone,

This is the latest update on Ava: She is now back up to her birth weight at 7 pounds 8 she is steadily increasing. It was a zoo trying to get her to the doctor's office, but I made it through the tears, and was able to get Ava weighed. I really wanted to try to do it all on my own this time, since so many people have been helping out with the different outings that I have gone on. I made it!!! (It seems silly to celebrate such a small outing, but I was so happy that I did it.) Ava has been sleeping really well during the night. 5-7 hour blocks at a time. She usually wakes up for a feeding at 3, and then at 7 am- and then takes a morning nap. I feel like we are getting into somewhat of a rhythm. Daddy is getting good sleep- and I am getting used to falling asleep with her pretty quickly. It has been really precious to see Corey with her...he tells her that she is beautiful every day- and it gets me all choked up. So many fathers in our time rarely tell their daughter that they are beautiful, and yet Corey lavishes on her daily. It melts my heart each time. We have also had some tremendous dinners being cooked for us by all of our friends that surround us...from people that we love dearly. I am never without food! My sister just recently left- and had some invaluable advice for putting Ava down- and she goes down now in record time. (She is an incredible mother, and I was really sad to see her go. BUT I knew that she had to leave to be with her own family.) We are looking forward to when we get the family together once again to celebrate, and the two cousins can finally meet. Well- I hear some stirring downstairs, it looks like someone might want to eat :)...I will be sure to post some more shots of our sweet little one soon!

With Much Love,
Cyndia, for Corey & Ava

Oh- I am posting a picture shot of my nephew, Gabe and his sweet costume for Halloween. I thought all the Mom's out there would appreciate it! He is so stinking CUTE!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Moving in the Right Direction...

Hello Everyone,

Well, there is some good news to report. Ava has gained back 5 ounces, and is now at her discharge weight..7 pounds 3 ounces. The Pediatrician was somewhat encouraged but was still a little concerned. He thinks that my milk production is still low, although she is like drunk Ava after she feeds. My gut tells me that she is getting more than enough to eat, but I want to try and do what the Doc I feel kind of in a catch...I am praying that Ava continues to get really chubby :)I have to go back next week to recheck her weight and see if she has gained anymore. Pray that she has I am doing fairly well, although at times life seems really overwhelming. I cry often, and for the stupidist of reasons. I cried when I forgot all of Corey's questions that he wanted to ask the doctor, I cried when the doctor said 5 ounces wasn't good enough, I cry when I watch a TV show...I am really pretty tired of crying, and look forward to when my emotions seem to settle down a bit. Ava has been really very good the last two nights. She has slept almost 6 hour straight periods each night, which has been amazing for me. I feel so rested. My big sister comes into town tomorrow, and I am so excited to see her. Pray for safety in her travels, and that our time together would be sweet. I have posted some more pictures, since I think everyone like to see pictures :)...

Love you all,
Cyndia, Corey & Ava

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

All Systems Functioning...

Hello Everyone!

So, I am not certain if everyone checks the blog frequently or not, but I thought I would send the latest update on our sweet little girl. We have had a number of different celebrations; one of which we are most proud of...her very first bowel movement! Yes, that's right folks the floodgates have opened up! We were pretty concerned when after coming home Ava had still not had a bowel movement- but once my milk started coming in- we were blessed with the volcanic explosion of Ava's first poop. It took three grown adults to change her!

We went to her first doctor's appointment today. She has lost about 10 ounces thus far, but is still looking great. All her systems are functioning. When Corey and I arrived at the doctor's office we heard quite a rumble...and after a while smelled a certain non-fragrant aroma...Yes, that's right folks...Ava had her second bowel movement! We got into the doctor's office, and sure enough she had another volcanic eruption! As we were changing her (which we used EVERY wipe we had brought), she decided that she wanted to pee...right on the doctor's office bed. Corey and I were laughing...I mean, really what else can you do? If that is not enough for hysterics, Ava decided that after her next feeding she would have another eruption...while she slept in the comforting arms of her gorgeous father. Corey said that he had felt quite a rumble, but thought that it was just her farting. Well the next time I picked her up- this time the poop had seeped through her pampers, on to her clothes, and even onto Daddy's white shirt!!! I don't think that I have laughed that hard in quite sometime! Anywho...I thought you might all want to know about the latest developments...I have also posted some of the latest photo shots by the paparazzi that has come to town...namely Grandma & Grandpa Garris...(They are quite the photo takers!)

Love you all,
Cyndia, Corey & Ava

Saturday, October 6, 2007


I hope that these images go through...

For Your Viewing Pleasure...

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to pass along some more shots for your viewing pleasure...Our beautiful little girl has been such an incredible blessing...We came home from the hospital yesterday late evening, and had kind of a rough first night. Mom, Dad, and Abuela Carmen were taking turns soothing sweet Ava...BUT we made it through, and our doing a little resting today. I can't tell you how overwhelming it has been to see her and think about how much I love this little girl! SHE IS SUCH a GIFT! Anywho, I am still trying to get Dad to write a little something, but wanted to pass along some great camera shots by Abuela Carmen...(Chad didn't she do a great job???!) Love you all,
Cyndia, Corey, Abuela Carmen, & Ava

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Beautiful Baby Girl! (Click to Enlarge)

Ava is Here!

Good Morning Everyone! I am very excited to announce that Ava Joy was born last night at 9:27 pm. She is 7 lbs 8 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. She has heaps of dark hair like Cyndia predicted and everyone is doing very well. Sara said Cyndia did a GREAT job and got to visit with Ava last night. This is all the info I have for now, but I will be sure to give any more details and pictures as they come my way. Congrats Cyndia and Corey- we're so excited for you!!

Love, Rebecca

Monday, October 1, 2007

Good News!!!

Hello Everyone,

Corey and I had our two appointments this morning, and everything went really well. We had our ultrasound, and found out that Ava weighs approximately 7 pounds 4 ounces. She looks great, and is in position. The doctor checked me and I am now 3 centimeters dilated, and she said that my cervix is soft and ready for delivery. So, that being said- the doctor let us know that there is still a slight possibility of me going into labor either tonight or tomorrow sometime. (Which is extremely encouraging :)!) BUT even if not, we have a scheduled time at 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning to go in and begin the process of labor. My doctor is very confident that with the induction, things will go really well, and that by sometime on Wednesday evening Ava will join us on the outside world :) I am excited, nervous, and amazed all at the same time. (You should all see Corey's face! It is priceless- I wish I could have video taped him in the doctor's office :)) Please continue to lift us up in prayer, as there is still many unknowns. We are just so unbelievablly amazed that she will be here this week! I have also attached some photos of the nursery- I tried to get all of the beautiful work that Carole Cummings (as she did the pull up shade and valance), Lissy (My sister) did on the sweet letters, and Corey did on the paint job- there are more pictures- but I think this is a pretty good sampling. Love you guys!

Corey and Cyndia

Friday, September 28, 2007

Nothing new to report...yet

Hello Friends and Family,

Well I had my last doctor's appointment this morning, and as you can see from the title to this new blog entry, there is nothing new to report. Ava is really liking where she is at, and doesn't seem to want to meet all of us yet! I have not progressed in dilation (I am sill at 1 1/2 centimeters). The doctor scheduled 2 more appointments for me on Monday, for both an ultrasound (to see how much she weighs, and how long she is), and for her to see if I have progressed since today. If Ava measures well, she will begin the process of induction on Wednesday to help kick start the labor. I have mixed emotions...On the one hand I know that I will get to meet Ava next week for sure...which is very exciting. On the other hand I really don't want to have to go through the process of induction, which seems a bit unnatural to me. BUT I trust my doctor, the hospital staff, and more importantly I trust that God is watching over us. He has been with us since the very beginning, through the joys and the struggles. Not only has He been with us since the very beginning, but He also knows the very end. One of the greatest lessons that I have been learning through all of this is that Ava is indeed a gift...and that no matter how much Corey and I love her, that God loves her that much more. So I take great comfort knowing that all of us are in His hands. So- I am sorry to report no new news for all of you that are awaiting her birth...but if you can wait just a couple more days we will have a new post with many pictures, and hopefully even a word from Corey :)...I know that you have all been anxiously awaiting this :)

With Much Love & Anticipation,
Corey, Cyndia, and Ava :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Garris Household Welcomes...High Speed Internet

Hello Everyone,

So it is with great pleasure that Corey and I announce our new journey into "High Speed Internet." Hehahaha...We are now able to post things from the convenience of our own home, which I am so excited about! I have posted some additional pregnancy shots for your viewing pleasure, and will be sure to include the newest arrival to the Garris family soon. We will be sure to post an update after my last Doctor's appointment on Friday.

Corey and Cyndia

Friday, September 21, 2007

Still Waiting...

Hello Family,

Well there is not much to report after the latest doctor's appointment...I am now at 1 1/2 centimeters dilated. Not terribly encouraging, but still some improvement. I was a little down on myself...but the doctor did say that things are looking good, the baby's head is down, and I have also been experiencing some uterine contractions-which come and go throughout the day. I am really hoping to continue on in the progression of dilation before any hard contractions begin. It just looks like Ava likes it too much in my inner world :)...I have also tried to look at the bright side. This very well could be the last weekend I have with just my husband, and so we are just taking it real slow, and going to enjoy the beautiful weather that we are experiencing here in Columbus, OH. The leaves have already begun to show a sparkle of bright colors here and there, and the temperature is right around 85...sunny, and perfect. Thanks everyone- for all the prayers and encouragement! We look forward to giving you more positive news soon.

All of our Love,
Corey and Cyndia

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

False Alarm

Hello Family & Friends,

Well- Corey and I had a false alarm yesterday. During the day I began to feel a little different, and thought that I may have had a slow leak of amniotic fluid. I called it in, and told the nurse all of the details, and she told me that I most certainly should go to the hospital to get checked- since it could be my water breaking. (If it was a slow leak, it could have lead to infection.) So rather than take any chances, we went in to get it checked. The nurses, and staff were wonderful, and we got in right away. The doctor performed two different tests, and they said that the leakage I was experiencing was part of the mucous plug, and that I would probably be experiencing a little more within the next couple of days. (Sorry guys- if this grosses you out!) So- our nurse Carmen told us that it shouldn't be too long from now...both encourging and nerve-racking. I was really impressed with Corey :)...He had all of the bags packed in the car, and was the picture of calmness. (I have such a wonderful husband!) Well I just wanted to keep you all posted. Maybe Corey will write next? We shall see... Love you all!

Friday, September 14, 2007

16 Days Until the Due Date and Counting!

Hello Everyone,

Corey and I had our doctor's appointment this morning, and we found out that I am already beginning to dilate! YIPPPEEEE! It is only one centimeter, but one is better than none. Ava is also already starting to engage into the birth canal, and the doctor says I am measuring right on target. We are hoping that she continues to progress through without any complications or bumps in the road. I have been reflecting on the process of delivery a lot more lately, and getting more and more excited (and anxious at times)...I am encouraged by everyone's thoughts and prayers for us, and I know that we are in good hands. I thought I would also tag along a recent photo of us taken at a wedding that Corey just did, taken by our sweet friend Kristi Hickman. :)...I will be sure to post more soon, as I get word or anything changes.

Love you all!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Anxiously awaiting the birth of our daughter...

Thanks for visiting our new blog! Corey and I are anxiously awaiting the birth of our daughter Ava. She is already showing herself to be quite the active little girl! She is getting bigger and bigger by the day, and is trying hard to find the birth canal, but is mistakenly bumping into her mother's bladder! (Not the greatest feeling in the world!) We are so excited to meet her! We constantly wonder about how she is going to look! This blog will be our attempt to help our friends and family stay in touch with the many changes that I am sure Ava will bring into our lives. We will try to post some new pics on a regular basis (although neither Corey or I am very technical!) So please bear with us. We love you- and we look foward to showing off the newest Garris into the world in the next two and half weeks!