Monday, December 3, 2007

Latest on our Bundle of Joy...

Hello Everyone,

Well Ava turned 2 months today...Corey and I were reflecting on how quickly these past two months have gone. Ava has made some incredible strides recently. She is now napping 2 2-hour naps a day, and is less fussy at night. (As a matter of fact she only cries a little when she is hungry or poopy :)) She smiles some incredible smiles on cue...(they just melt your heart)...coos a ton, and is getting bigger by the day. We just got back from the pediatrician and Ava is now 9 pounds 6 ounces...23 inches long (still in the 75% for height, but 25% for weight)...She is long and lean- like we like to say around here. I, like any good mother, have been worrying a ton about her weight, but the doctor said..."Ava is growing beautifully..." Some incredibly reassuring words from the professional :)...She is so beautiful...She also got all of her immunizations today...ABSOLUTELY broke my heart. I was in tears as soon as the needle hit her little thigh. The nurse was a pro, and probably got all of the 4 shots done within 5 seconds flat...Through my tears, I thanked her for being so quick. She was so kind. The days seem to get easier, and she is still sleeping fairly well- although every night is different. Sometimes she will sleep for 4 hours, sometimes 5 or 6 straight...The doctor wants us to try to get into a routine with her sleeping sometime in January...I am ready for her to be in one now, but he suggested to try it after we come home from the holidays. I have attached a couple of recent shots...for your viewing pleasure...I will update more with new shots as soon as I get the chance...(Please pray that she doesn't have any reactions to the vaccines...)

Love you all,
Cyndia for Corey and Ava

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