Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sitting up for the first time...

Hello Everyone,

Here is Ava's first time sitting up- she continues to amaze us with how fast she is growing...As you can see from the one shot she only made it for a couple of seconds...but it was long enough to count it in the "baby book"...she goes in for her 6 month check up next week, and will get yet another round of immunizations. Corey will be in Houston,TX from the 9th-11th next week- so Ava and I will once again be flying solo...I will also be turning the big 3-0 on Friday...I feel kind of old just saying it...Time goes by too quickly! I have not really been looking forward to it as I feel like being twenty-something was so much fun...but I guess with age comes wisdom...Sleeping still going a little crazy...but better than it once was or even could be. Abuelo & Abuela Colon will be coming this weekend to see Ava...and the plan is for Corey and I to finally get some time alone...pray that it goes well! Enjoy the latest!

Cyndia for Corey and Ava

1 comment:

jamie said...

yeah! those are fun times! now she is just going to movin even more! cute easter pics too! :)