Thursday, December 20, 2007

New "Firsts"...

Hello Everyone,

Well, I tried to prevent it, but it was inevitable...Ava caught her first head cold. She has been handling it pretty well, although her mother has a tough time with it. She started to sound a little congested on Monday...sneezing and a slight cough. NO FEVER- PRAISE GOD! I was so torn up about it, I cried. (What's new? :)) She is almost completely done with the cold already, and has been sleeping as she normally does. I could have kicked myself for allowing tons of people to hold her, but they say that this can be a good thing since it is building up immunities. SO, I am trying to look on the bright side. We head off to Lorain, OH for a couple of days to see Titi Lisa (Aunt for those that do not know Spanish), Uncle Chad, Primo Gabe, and Abuela & Abuelo Colon. After that we are headed off to St.Louis where we will get a chance to see our dear friends Jen & Steve and their daughter Amelia on Christmas Day, before heading off to our final destination...Lincoln, NE to see the rest of our family. So- Ava will be quite the traveler...Pray that it all goes well. She really doesn't like going anywhere right now. We are hoping that this changes one day. I have also posted some more pics for your viewing pleasure, one of them by demand to see more of Corey :)(this is for your Hunter :))...He certainly is an incredibly gorgeous father...and a good one! I started to feel a little under the weather yesterday, and so he stayed home ot take care of us..while running an errand to Babies R Us, mopping the floor, and visiting the pediatrician. WHAT A MAN! I have a good one! Enjoy!


Friday, December 14, 2007

Our Little Christmas Princess...

Hello Everyone,

Here is Ava in one of her Christmas outifts. She is too cute for words (in my un-biased opinion)! She made it through 2 Christmas parties in one day...She was such a trooper.


Friday, December 7, 2007

Snug as a Bug...

Hello Everyone,

Here is one of the latest pictures of Ava...It is getting colder and colder here in Ohio, and we certainly don't want Ava to catch a cold! :)- Here she is packed up and ready to go to her first women's Bible study...She was such a trooper. Hope you enjoy...


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pretty in Purple...

Hey Everyone,

I thought that these latest photos might brighten your days...she is certainly pretty in purple :)

Love and Hugs,

Monday, December 3, 2007

Latest on our Bundle of Joy...

Hello Everyone,

Well Ava turned 2 months today...Corey and I were reflecting on how quickly these past two months have gone. Ava has made some incredible strides recently. She is now napping 2 2-hour naps a day, and is less fussy at night. (As a matter of fact she only cries a little when she is hungry or poopy :)) She smiles some incredible smiles on cue...(they just melt your heart)...coos a ton, and is getting bigger by the day. We just got back from the pediatrician and Ava is now 9 pounds 6 ounces...23 inches long (still in the 75% for height, but 25% for weight)...She is long and lean- like we like to say around here. I, like any good mother, have been worrying a ton about her weight, but the doctor said..."Ava is growing beautifully..." Some incredibly reassuring words from the professional :)...She is so beautiful...She also got all of her immunizations today...ABSOLUTELY broke my heart. I was in tears as soon as the needle hit her little thigh. The nurse was a pro, and probably got all of the 4 shots done within 5 seconds flat...Through my tears, I thanked her for being so quick. She was so kind. The days seem to get easier, and she is still sleeping fairly well- although every night is different. Sometimes she will sleep for 4 hours, sometimes 5 or 6 straight...The doctor wants us to try to get into a routine with her sleeping sometime in January...I am ready for her to be in one now, but he suggested to try it after we come home from the holidays. I have attached a couple of recent shots...for your viewing pleasure...I will update more with new shots as soon as I get the chance...(Please pray that she doesn't have any reactions to the vaccines...)

Love you all,
Cyndia for Corey and Ava