Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Our Little Napper...

Hello Everyone,

Just a little update on our sweetie...She is going to be 4 months old in a few days! Time has really flown by. We will be going to the doctor next week- so expect some updates on her weight. She will be getting some more immunizations as well :(. She is getting over a really bad cold which has had her waking up multiple times at night due to the congestion. BUT on the positive side- Ava is now taking close to two hour naps in her own crib- and NOT on a swing! For those of you who know Ava this is a MAJOR improvement! She is however recently storing up the biggest poopies of the century for early mornings, right when Mommy is in the shower. The latest and greatest happened this morning- and put Ava straight into the bath for a full body rinse off. We almost had to cut off the onsie just to get her out! (I will spare you the rest of the gruesome details.) Right now Ava is trying to chew on my arm...and is smiling...she thinks she is pretty funny :)...She has also started to giggle! It is one the 3 best sounds in the world...(the others are her sucking on her hand, and the first is her coo...)Any who- enjoy the latest pics. The one in the car seat was taken right before we went to church this weekend (which she actually did not cry in the car for the first time in a long time)- and the ones in green are from today...fresh off the camera... Will post more as soon as I can...

Cyndia for Corey and Ava

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow...she is changing so quickly! She looks like a little lady with lots of personality! :) Adorible!