Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Swimming Fun & Dedcation

Hello Everyone,

It's amazing how quickly time goes by- isn't it? Ava is already 8 months old today, and experiencing so many things for the first time. She was dedicated to the Lord this past weekend- the ceremony was so beautiful, and we had abuelo and abuela colon, and my grandma Carmen (not really a blood grandma, but a grandma to us nevertheless) come and witness it. Ava also took her first dip in the pool. She has since been in a second time and absolutely LOVES it! (Abuela Carmen got Ava this SWEEEEET ladybug raft that she sits in....you will also see her awesome swim gear also provided by abuela. We are going to make sure that we get video footage of it soon. We were so bummed we didn't take the camera with us!) But as you will see from the different video posts it took some getting used to! HA! The first video was way short because some kids were bothering me to open the pool door....grrrrr...so the second and third videos you will see Ava has warmed up to the pool. Hope you enjoy!


Cyndia for Corey and Ava

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