Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ava's New Tricks

Hello Everyone,
So I thought I would post some more Ava TV for your viewing pleasure of some of her latest and greatest...Of course we still have not filmed Ava walking- even though she has become really good at it lately. Last Sunday she made Mom sweat! She can now officially brush her teeth & hair, "ride the pony", crow like a rooster, gives hugs and love, waves "hi" and "bye", gives high fives, and can climb up and down from things (really pretty scary for Mom)...Hope you enjoy...Some of the pics were taken on Ava and I's trip to the park by our house. You will also see a picture of her friend Cian only a week younger than Ava. Ava has also taken a liking to reading the paper like her funny! She also supported her other team...the Cornhuskers. (Of course she still says that she bleeds scarlet and gray :) GO BUCKEYES!!!)...

Cyndia for Corey and Ava

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