Friday, April 22, 2011

Quick Update

Hello Everyone, really has been quite a while since I posted anything that has gone on in our lives, BUT I have tried my best to keep the pics & videos coming as they take some time to post. Life has been rather busy lately...but I think I say that every time. I recently talked to someone who said to me, "you think that your life is busy now, just wait until your kids get older- it only gets harder..." Oh I know...truly it will only get harder. Right now I meet so much of their physical needs...change diapers, wipe butts, feed, change, day...change diapers, wipe butts, teach some lessons, discipline, get the picture ;)...I have to be in ship shape form around here! Someone recently commented to me that I looked thinner every time they see me...must be because the girls have gotten quicker! I am so challenged by them. I have never laughed more, or cried more...or for that matter used a very stern voice more (insert ashamed sheepish look...) They teach me soooo much about what I want to change in my own life. How much I want more patience, more kindness and love (because love is an action not a feeling ;0), and more understanding...Life's greatest lessons are being learned every day just by being their mother. There are days that I literally go crazy...and want to throw in the towel, and then there are days that I think- there is no other place that I would rather be then having them cuddle with me on the couch, or seeing them shake their groove thing to tunes in the car. I am humbled by them...Recently Corey along with some amazing friends threw me an amazing 33rd B-day party...It was extravagant in ever sense of the word. Chocolate moose cake, Puerto Rican Tapas, yummy cheeses, and tasty drinks....It was such a sweet time, and will definitely go down as one of the best ever.

The girls have hopefully gotten their last string of bad colds...Rylee is working on her second ear infection. Poor girl has been through the ringer...Spring is here, but most days it still feels like winter. I am dieing for the weather to stabilize somewhat so that the girls can be outside. They would live outside if they and sleep with the squirels and birds. Rylee is amazing, brilliant and quite stubborn, opinionated, and fiesty...She is learning so much lately. She is already starting to put words together..."Daddy come...Rylee out..." She is super fast, super funny, and quite the super "little" sister bother to her big sister Ava. Toys are slowly taken away and run with to opposite sides of the room with lightning reflexes and agility. She already puts herself in timeout...and asks to get out with a smirk on her face...Oh man...she may be tiny, but she is devious to the core, and she loves it. Ava is growing in every sense of the word. She says amazing things all of the time, and we have found out that she has a photographic memory just like her father. She can remember sooo many things that she has done, along with names and dates...She remembers things that I quickly forget! We have decided to put her into preschool next year. She is thrilled to go two days a week. We couldn't be any more excited for her. She knows all of the Alphabet along with 90 % of all her sounds. Today we worked on numbers, and she pretty much has them down pat as well. I try to do as much with her as I can, but Rylee often can should I put it...a little demanding...
Corey and I are thrilled that in the next couple of weeks we will be going to Phoenix, AZ for the Vineyard National Pastors Conference. Abuelo and Abuela along with Grandma & Grandpa Garris will be taking care of the girls while we are away. In addition we are THRILLED that Grandpa and Grandma will be staying a little longer to visit and help us paint our downstairs. Many of you might be thinking, "Cyndia, isn't this the same paint you put on the walls just a a little over a year ago?"...and the answer is, "Why yes...yes it is. BUT this is the same paint color that COREY picked out..." Moral of this story...always let your wife pick out the colors of your home. :)

Small update, but maybe next time I can get the Ole man to do it...I will try to post pics of our trip and visit when we get back...

Cyndia for Corey, Ava & Rylee

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