Sunday, March 10, 2013

Christmas Day & Christmas Eve 2012

Exploring her new "Date Night Barbie"- the box says, and I quote, "He sure can COOK!"  LOL!  I bought it because it had all kinds of accesories, that Daddy sucked up with the vaccuum cleaner on the very first day! (aka a Barbie fork was gone forever!)

It was the year of "all things Barbie"!
Abuela, Mommy & her girls on Christmas Eve night...we color coordinated without even knowing it!

Abuelo, Abuela & the girls.

So excited to get her "Baby Alive"- she was thrilled to get a baby carriage along with it.  She couldn't wait to play with it, feed it, sleep with it...So fun!

Against everybody else's better judgement, I let you play with your new Barbie pool...of course there was water all over the floor!  But you ladies had a blast!

Ava's "IPad"

My two beauty queens :)

Our pretty Christmas tree.  Every year Abuela purchases a new "Nativity" ornament...the tree keeps getting prettier and prettier.

I love how Rylee is smiling at her Big Sister here...they love each other so much!

It is so delightful to watch your kids open gifts- I honestly think that it is far more fun for me to watch them!  Love the excitement!

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