Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Movie of our Princess

Hello Everyone, Here are some recent shots of our Thanksgiving...Hope you enjoy. I have also attempted to upload a video of our little angel. She is TOO Cute! We had a great time with Abuelo & Abuela Colon in Lorain. Although it was quite the trip trying to make it there. Crying screaming baby, nauseous Mom, hour extra holiday drive, slick rainy conditions, hungry baby, poopy get the picture....bad bad drive! You would think that Ava would be a sleeper, since her parents LOVE to sleep- BUT she loves to be awake- which made for a very interesting trip when she refused to sleep till she got to Lorain. (okay she slept maybe a half hour on the trip- but for the most part was beside herself. Most of you who know me- know that I can get easily car sick, and with all of the stop and go traffic, that made it pretty hard to help Ava. We probably broke about 10 traffic laws. I breasfed Ava in a running car, Corey and I did a Chinese fire drill to see if that would help my nausea, and we also thought about me stopping on the side of the road to throw up.(We opted to let me relieve myself in a Subway near my parents house ;)) Praise God I didn't throw up on Ava! I can already hear all the parents laughing at my post, even though it was pretty traumatic for us! I guess we should count our blessing that we got there all in one piece. I really am praying for our next trip- to be a lot better...PRAYING REALLY HARD ;)...

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