Sunday, February 17, 2008

We have a Roller...That is a Roll Over

Hello Everyone,

Today for the first time Ava rolled from her back to her tummy...(She has been doing from her tummy to her back for quite sometime now- but today she mastered the art of doing it in the reverse and harder order.) She knew that she was doing something good- and did it repeatedly for about 5 minutes. These are some of the action shots, along with her playtime in her gym. Sleeping is going a little bit better. She only cried for 45 minutes last night. Keep praying people!

Cyndia for Corey and Ava

1 comment:

Grandma Garris said...

She's just so proud of herself in the last pic and so darn cute (a Grandma's perspective : ) Thanks for posting these new achievements. We are noticing a receding hairline (Grandpa says it's hereditary) or is it just how she was stylin' it today?? Love ya all - Grandma and Grandpa