Wednesday, October 10, 2007

All Systems Functioning...

Hello Everyone!

So, I am not certain if everyone checks the blog frequently or not, but I thought I would send the latest update on our sweet little girl. We have had a number of different celebrations; one of which we are most proud of...her very first bowel movement! Yes, that's right folks the floodgates have opened up! We were pretty concerned when after coming home Ava had still not had a bowel movement- but once my milk started coming in- we were blessed with the volcanic explosion of Ava's first poop. It took three grown adults to change her!

We went to her first doctor's appointment today. She has lost about 10 ounces thus far, but is still looking great. All her systems are functioning. When Corey and I arrived at the doctor's office we heard quite a rumble...and after a while smelled a certain non-fragrant aroma...Yes, that's right folks...Ava had her second bowel movement! We got into the doctor's office, and sure enough she had another volcanic eruption! As we were changing her (which we used EVERY wipe we had brought), she decided that she wanted to pee...right on the doctor's office bed. Corey and I were laughing...I mean, really what else can you do? If that is not enough for hysterics, Ava decided that after her next feeding she would have another eruption...while she slept in the comforting arms of her gorgeous father. Corey said that he had felt quite a rumble, but thought that it was just her farting. Well the next time I picked her up- this time the poop had seeped through her pampers, on to her clothes, and even onto Daddy's white shirt!!! I don't think that I have laughed that hard in quite sometime! Anywho...I thought you might all want to know about the latest developments...I have also posted some of the latest photo shots by the paparazzi that has come to town...namely Grandma & Grandpa Garris...(They are quite the photo takers!)

Love you all,
Cyndia, Corey & Ava


Meggs said...

I LOVE the new photos!!!! Although at first glance I thought to myself, she's getting to BIG to fast! Remember what I said, Keep her tiny till I can get there :) lol!!! Oh and as for the paparizzi.... I guess they've learned from the best! If u think they're bad wait for auntie May Mae's arrival cuz you'll have another thing coming:) Love U Guys, and I am counting down the days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Beks said...

What a BEAUTIFUL girl! Sounds like you guys are being complete champion parents! So excited for you and can't wait to see ya'll again!
LOVE, Beks

Wiechman Family said...

Love the poop stories... we can't wait! Love you guys!!!

jamie said...

yeah thanks for the updated photos- so cute! the twins lost 10 ounces too... don't worry it's normal to lose some weight! you're doing great! josiah pooped on andy's face when we were on vacation in CA- we were dying laughing- well maybe afterwards.. i'm dying now!:)

Unknown said...

Yeah for disposable diapers! :) Ava is so beautiful! I can't wait to meet her! :)

jeannie said...

welcome to parenthood. this is the first day of many in which you will be covered in poo!

D said...

Shad is gonna have one good looking girlfriend!!!