Monday, October 1, 2007

Good News!!!

Hello Everyone,

Corey and I had our two appointments this morning, and everything went really well. We had our ultrasound, and found out that Ava weighs approximately 7 pounds 4 ounces. She looks great, and is in position. The doctor checked me and I am now 3 centimeters dilated, and she said that my cervix is soft and ready for delivery. So, that being said- the doctor let us know that there is still a slight possibility of me going into labor either tonight or tomorrow sometime. (Which is extremely encouraging :)!) BUT even if not, we have a scheduled time at 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning to go in and begin the process of labor. My doctor is very confident that with the induction, things will go really well, and that by sometime on Wednesday evening Ava will join us on the outside world :) I am excited, nervous, and amazed all at the same time. (You should all see Corey's face! It is priceless- I wish I could have video taped him in the doctor's office :)) Please continue to lift us up in prayer, as there is still many unknowns. We are just so unbelievablly amazed that she will be here this week! I have also attached some photos of the nursery- I tried to get all of the beautiful work that Carole Cummings (as she did the pull up shade and valance), Lissy (My sister) did on the sweet letters, and Corey did on the paint job- there are more pictures- but I think this is a pretty good sampling. Love you guys!

Corey and Cyndia


Dan&Van said...

So glad to hear you are feeling encouraged and how crazy it must feel to know that you'll meet your daughter by the end of this week! It's now the month of my due date too -- EXCITING! Your nursery is so cute! Can't wait to see the first pictures of Ava once she joins us out here!

andy said...

praying for you this morning! love you guys!